Affordable Clear Aligners for Patients in Marietta, GA
As a dedicated dental practitioner, you may frown on the at-home clear aligners that have grown so popular. After all, for alignment correction, they’re simply unpredictable. Undoubtedly, though, you understand that patients choose them for affordability, and you would probably welcome an alternative that straightens teeth as effectively as established brands without costing nearly as much. Sun Dental Labs, which partners with dentists in Marietta and across the country, has long been aware of such concerns, and now offers an innovative solution – SunClear® invisible aligners.
Personalized Treatment Your Patients Can Afford
Produced by our digital dental professionals, these lightweight systems fix common alignment problems as effectively as brand-name products with lab fees that are up to 50% less.
Our Process is Simple & Straightforward
To order a patient’s aligners, simply upload a digital scan using any digital scanner. We will then create a ClinChek-like plan for you to review, and by using our state-of-the-art SunClear 3D software, you’ll be able to revise your plan as many times as necessary.
Your Patients’ Aligners Will Be Ready in as Little as 15 Working Days
We are an express dental lab, so you’ll enjoy turnarounds that are speedier than with other companies, some of which take six weeks to produce aligners.
Contact Sun Dental Labs if you would like to learn more. One of our representatives will gladly answer your questions about our clear aligners or any of the other products we design for patients in the Marietta area.